Friday, February 16, 2007

Unix Commands

mkdir- I found this is an important command because it lets me construct other directories in which I can store data. Making a new folder in Windows and transferring files into it is like making a new directory in Shell because a directory in Shell is like a folder in Windows where you may put other files in it.

rmdir- Lets me be able to clean out the unused directories I do not need or when I make a typo on a directory name when I enter it into the system. In Windows, deleting a folder with files in it is the equivalent of removing a directory from Shell.

finger- The command lets me view other people's names, shell, and whether they've checked their mail. I can find just about anyone using the program. The "Search" program in Windows can help a person find files or folders and is similiar to the "finger" command because the program can find the directories you type in if it exists.

cal- Brings up a calendar so I can view the dates. It can even give dates in the future. For example the calendar can tell me what day it will be on the same date today. With the Windows program, you can pull up the calendar by clicking on the time in the toolbar. Double-clicking it will pull up another window with a calendar on it. Like the Shell version, the calendar can match up the date with a day in the future.

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